Dericks Praise Shukla

Associate Professor

Remote Sensing and GIS

Research Projects

1 Development of in - situ leachate treatment system to prevent water contaminations Ongoing
2 Arsenic and Heavy Metal Mapping in Water, Coal & Fly-Ash Samples from Urjanchal (Singrauli) Area of Central India Completed
3 Facile low cost- synthesis of Graphene/ Zeolite composite and their application in removal of heavy metals from water Completed
4 Semi-Automated framework for preparation of LHZ & LSZ using machine learning techniques Completed
5 Snow mapping & it's parameter estimation from geospatial (AVIRIS-NG) and field data Completed
6 MHRD- Unnat Bharat Abhiyan scheme Completed
7 Spatial distribution of uranium and associated water quality parameters in Mandi, Kullu and Hamirpur Completed
8 Study of solute transport parameters through porous medium Completed

Consultancy Projects

1 Structural design of retaining walls at proposed site of warehouses at Palampur, Mandi & Reckong Peo (H.P.) Completed
2 Channelization of Sokodi khad between the new bridge to Suhara Muhalla Bridge Completed