Remote Sensing and GIS


The Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) department is an academic or research unit within an institution that focuses on the use of remote sensing technologies and GIS applications for various fields, including environmental studies, urban planning, agriculture, forestry, disaster management, and geology. This department typically combines expertise from multiple disciplines, such as geography, environmental science, engineering, and computer science. 

Key aspects: 

  • Remote Sensing Technology: Remote sensing involves the acquisition of information about the Earth's surface without direct physical contact. The department uses various sensors, such as satellites, aerial platforms (drones), and ground-based instruments, to gather data in the form of images and other measurements.
  • GIS Data Collection and Management: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used to store, manage, analyze, and visualize geospatial data. The department focuses on collecting and integrating data from different sources, including remote sensing data, field surveys, and existing databases.
  • Image Processing and Analysis: Remote Sensing and GIS experts process and analyze remote sensing data to extract valuable information about land cover, land use, vegetation health, urban development, and more. Image classification, change detection, and feature extraction are common techniques.
  • Spatial Analysis: GIS provides tools for spatial analysis, helping researchers and decision-makers understand the relationships between different geographical features and phenomena. It enables various analyses like spatial statistics, network analysis, and suitability modeling.
  • Environmental Monitoring and Management: The department applies remote sensing and GIS techniques to monitor environmental changes, such as deforestation, urban expansion, and changes in water bodies. This information is crucial for informed decision-making in environmental management and conservation efforts.
  • Disaster Management and Response: Remote sensing and GIS play a vital role in disaster monitoring, risk assessment, and response. By providing up-to-date and detailed spatial information, emergency responders can efficiently allocate resources during natural disasters.
  • Urban and Regional Planning: Remote sensing and GIS are used to assess urban growth patterns, plan infrastructure development, and analyze the impact of urbanization on the environment and communities.
  • Climate Change Studies: Remote sensing data is valuable for monitoring and understanding climate change-related phenomena, such as glacial retreat, sea-level rise, and changes in vegetation patterns.



Remote sensing and Geographic Information System (GIS) are powerful tools that complement each other and are extensively used in various research areas. The major research areas on which the department works includes the following:

  • Landslide Susceptibility and Hazard Mapping
  • Semi-Automatic framework development for preparation of LHZ & LSZ
  • Snow Mapping and its Parameter Estimation
  • Arsenic and Heavy metal contamination and its remediation
  • Groundwater Flow Modeling and Aquifer Management Planning


Dericks Praise Shukla
Associate Professor

Remote Sensing and GIS

Geoinformatics; Natural Hazards; Landslides; Permafrost; Glacial Studies; Environmental Geology